WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE? JFK? Girls? (or not)
Here we have a classic lesson on how things have changed in our new media age.
This shot or old print as it is, was first published by Playboy back in an era long gone, a simpler time. When that was the only place you could find such a shot (real or not). It would run for one month as a gag, cause a laugh or small commotion and then it would pass out of sight.
On to the next tantalizing image!
Of course it is not real, but in today's Internet age this image would have year long legs. It would be picked up by the morning Google news, added to several web blogs from there, with added comments and speculation by "know it all bloggers with an agenda". Then it would be read straight into the morning show cameras on early morning political shows. As News! Without any attempt at fact checking.
Now here comes the the real teaching point!
This image of JFK, Tiger or Obama would be picked up by the evening cable shows and splashed all over T.V. to be oogled by the zealots of hate, to make the cable news shows sizzle, to hold the attention of their right wing audience. Here it would be presented as the truth, cause after all it has been on several internet news sites and on T.V. all day and talked about endlessly by the cable news talking heads, showed over and over by them to enthrall their disciples, until it would actually become the truth. Made-up in the morning, instant truth by nightfall, then run over and over and talked about for weeks!
Happens everyday!
Of course it would never even make the regular news shows cause you can tell it's been doctored. And during the whole spectacle the cable shows would condemn the mainstream media for not covering the made up story. They would then make that the story and so it goes, welcome to the never ending present. I understand the need to fill space in every sort of media, but common on, enough is enough there are real problems out there and they need us to work together to solve them.
I preferred that simpler time, when a news story was news and hard to come by. They needed to be vetted and fact checked so we (the regular public) would know it was true.
Late, • the Funk
I found this on TMZ
Here we have a classic lesson on how things have changed in our new media age.
This shot or old print as it is, was first published by Playboy back in an era long gone, a simpler time. When that was the only place you could find such a shot (real or not). It would run for one month as a gag, cause a laugh or small commotion and then it would pass out of sight.
On to the next tantalizing image!
Of course it is not real, but in today's Internet age this image would have year long legs. It would be picked up by the morning Google news, added to several web blogs from there, with added comments and speculation by "know it all bloggers with an agenda". Then it would be read straight into the morning show cameras on early morning political shows. As News! Without any attempt at fact checking.
Now here comes the the real teaching point!
This image of JFK, Tiger or Obama would be picked up by the evening cable shows and splashed all over T.V. to be oogled by the zealots of hate, to make the cable news shows sizzle, to hold the attention of their right wing audience. Here it would be presented as the truth, cause after all it has been on several internet news sites and on T.V. all day and talked about endlessly by the cable news talking heads, showed over and over by them to enthrall their disciples, until it would actually become the truth. Made-up in the morning, instant truth by nightfall, then run over and over and talked about for weeks!
Happens everyday!
Of course it would never even make the regular news shows cause you can tell it's been doctored. And during the whole spectacle the cable shows would condemn the mainstream media for not covering the made up story. They would then make that the story and so it goes, welcome to the never ending present. I understand the need to fill space in every sort of media, but common on, enough is enough there are real problems out there and they need us to work together to solve them.
I preferred that simpler time, when a news story was news and hard to come by. They needed to be vetted and fact checked so we (the regular public) would know it was true.
Late, • the Funk
I found this on TMZ