Every day I am on the web for one reason or another and I find great images that touch me in many different ways. The Art Director in me wants to compile and share the beauty of this world and life with you. I have a large found archive of such beautiful photos as well as my own images, shot over the past 30 years ever since my junior year in high school. Some of the photographers I will know and some I won't, but I still love the images. Here are a few, enjoy!
Many thanks to Mr. Tim Brehm for setting me straight on course and showing me how it's done.
This one I copped from Shawn Stussy (yes,that Stussy) I check out his blog (Shawn Stussy's Joint.blogspot.com) everyday to see what cool images and insights he posts there. You should too! Check him out! Thanks Shawn for this one! Shot on a recent vacation he says....
Mirror Image, I can't remember where this came from but I love the nature of duality it imbues me with.
I have many many such texture shots to share with you all. Enjoy!
Late, theFunk