June 16, 2010



June 07, 2010


It's been a great and long month with many new projects and some quality pieces produce for Mofo's clients. Here's a few to sum up the productive month.

Clothing Lines Logos, Mystic Branding and Surf Legends all in a months work for Mofo. Living the life and thankful for the opportunities. Portraits, tons of insights and great sayings for the book and wonderful positive people met along the way!

Peter Townend, Surfing's First World Champion. Always pretty in Pink. A true revolutionary surfer! We can thank P.T. for Color, Moves, and Movements. Grand achievements, that started 70's surfing down the road to greatness and on to conquer the world. The world of the eighties was shaped in closeup backdoor sessions on the North Shore. "Bustin Down the Door" those are fitting words!

Announcing the URBAN POTENTIAL Centers, remember you saw it here first, a door of another type to bust down, a change is on the way! The first of many branding posters to come based from our new positive philosophy. Fireball logo and poster promoting our friend Denis Murphy's new reality show and healing powers centers. The man can work wonders don't ask me how? Or maybe you should, remember it's your choice. Choose wisely......
late, theFunk


LOVE Poster 1967 by Peter Max
This a well known image to many from the 6o's. It is very hard to find a vintage one in good condition. We recently found all three of these Peace and Love Posters and we are hanging them the the Preferred Graphics gallery. Simple yet elegant and playful these images are peak MAX in my opinion. They set the stage and look for a lot of the Psychedelic Era concert posters and mind blowing images that were to come through the 60's and 70's.
The LOVE poster is the most famous!

PEACE SIGN with included running man images drawn in and out. A common figure in many of the Max posters of this era.

I freaked when I found this one! What a great image of a Peace DOVE. Everybody tries but only a few capture the essence with minimal line. I really dig the fade of the background colors, another signature mark you can thank the great Peter Max for.
Great pieces and wonderful feelings embodied in art. Great images to live with and to live by!
late, theFunk